Sunday, April 26, 2009

Halfway there...

Well, we officially hit the 20 week mark on Thursday, putting us at least half way there. I can't believe how quickly time has flown. According to, the baby should be about the length of a banana now. I can feel him moving and growing in there for sure. I will post another baby bump picture soon if I can remember to get Tommy to take one. I am feeling great most of the time now. I still have occasional sudden onset waves of nausea, but luckily I haven't been in the car for any of them recently. I figure that may just be a permanent feature of this pregnancy so I am trying to just get used to that.

In the past week or so, we have made some more decisions. We have a full name now. Our little one will be Zane Curry Williamson. This will give Tommy an easy nickname for him when he is running late or being stubborn, characteristic of a Curry. :-) We also decided on a nursery set today. We have picked the Cocalo Peekaboo Friends bedding set, as shown below.

We love the primary colors and we feel like we can do a lot with it to make the room our own. The only problem is that no one wants to keep the set consistently in stock in stores, so after several disaoppointing trips to a variety of stores, we bit the bullet and just ordered it online on our own. We will register for some of the matching stuff, but most of it will be "online only" items. We will find mix and match stuff to register for in stores too so no worries there. Now we just have to figure out how we want to paint the room. Ideas?

Our creative idea of the week has been to build his name out of lego blocks. Tommy jumped on this and bought a box of legos to experiment with this weekend. It turned out pretty well but we ran out of green and white before he could finish.

I've been having fun with the video feature on our new camera. I just love how Tommy tries so hard to tone down his frustration in the video. I was so glad to catch him break one! Anyway, if any of you have some extra green or white legos that you wouldn't mind donating to the cause of Zane's nursery, we would love to take them off your hands!

Just one more pic:

They included Zane on the bulletin board at church with all the babies that have been born recently or that are on the way. I thought it was super cute!

Other than that, we are just trying not to be too busy. I was in Memphis, TN for most of this past week at a conference. It was great, but it was exhausting to travel by myself at this point in my pregnancy. No regrets, but next time around I would probably make Tommy come with me to pull my luggage around. :-) I know next week will be insane trying to play catch up at work, but I will be glad to be back.

We love you all!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


So sorry that it has taken me a whole week to update with our big news. It has been a super busy week and I have been waiting until I could scan the sono pictures into the computer to include them.

So for weeks, I have been totally convinced that we were having a girl. I talked to so many people who predicted girl for various reasons- I was so so sick, the heart rate was a little higher than average, etc. I just really thought it was a girl. Tommy was still holding out hope for a boy though, more because he didn't like the idea of everyone being right. Turns out, Tommy was right!! We are having a BOY!! Let me tell you how much Tommy enjoyed making phone calls to tell everyone that they had been wrong! We are very excited for sure. I had to make a major mind shift from girl to boy but it is great.

I love this one. He is sucking his thumb!

This one needs a little explanation. He is giving us a rear shot. You can see his little booty and that is his little boy part in the middle there. The sonogram lady was very sure that he is definitely a boy!

Our boy name has been picked out from the beginning. That is one thing that we actually agreed on. The little guy's name is Zane. It depends on what website you are on, but if you look in the right place, Zane is from Hebrew origin and it means "the Lord is gracious." We are still discussing the middle name. We have it narrowed down but haven't made a decision just yet. We will let you know. Honestly, I think we are avoiding that decision at this point.

Instead we have been trying to come to an agreement on nursery decor. Here are some things that we have found that we like.

We loved these cute custom letters. We may try to make one ourselves-

Tommy loves the 1-2-3-4 in the background of this one. We have already talked to our friend Landon about trying to make something like this for us-

That is where our thoughts are this week. What do you think? We welcome comments! Just don't tell us if you hate all of it.....


Saturday, April 4, 2009

17 weeks and counting

I am full force in my second trimester now and it has definitely been much better than the first. When looking back at how sick I was for a few weeks, I realize even more how awful that was now that I am feeling better. There were several weeks that I was throwing up an average of 2-3 times a day. And that's after I figured out some tricks and things to keep myself from feeling so sick. That's also with good anti-nausea medication. The sickness slowly dwindle off to once a day for a while and then a few times a week and now it is pretty rare for me to get sick to the point of throwing up. I think the vomiting in the car incident was the last big hoorah, at least for a while. I have only thrown up once since then. Since I have been feeling better, I have been able to go back to the gym, eat what I want, and start trying to get my house back to a point of acceptable cleanliness.

My little belly really started popping out the last week or so. I've been mostly in maternity clothes for several weeks now, but I still wasn't obviously showing to the outside world. About a week ago, I noticed that I looked much more pregnant in a top that I had only worn about a week or so before without looking obviously pregnant. All this week I started getting comments from friends and family that I was getting a little pregnant belly. And I actually had my first incident where a person ( a mom of one of my patients) noticed my belly and asked if I was pregnant. Luckily, I am, so we didn't have a super awkward moment. It is definitely fun to be showing a little bit but it does make my wardrobe situation a little more challenging.

9 weeks Pregnant- 2/8/09 (Still pretty sick too!)

16 & a half weeks- 3/30/09

I have also started feeling the baby move a little bit. It's still not consistent but I feel it once or twice throughout the day now. That has been fun. We should (hopefully) find out whether we are having a girl or boy this week on Friday! I can't believe we are already to that point. We are very excited and I will definitely be sure to update the blog as quickly as possible after we find out. Thanks for all of your prayers and support! We love you all!
